Working from home (WFH), social distancing, big news non-stop, six feet apart now ten gets to be a little overwhelming. You know I love bright, bold lip colors, and when in quarantine, my creative beauty juices are flowing.

I feel instantly better when I have on a bright lip color. My mood changes, my vibe elevated, and overall I project a better attitude. Yes, a lipstick/lip gloss can do this believe me. We just received our restocking shipment of all the NiKOL cosmetics I have been out of (except eye brightener, I know, I know, don’t worry, I am on it), and I have a new lip formula that I am introducing you to called Vinyl Lip Lacquer. High impact pigments, more coverage, and shine than lipgloss, fade-proof best of all, non-drying.

I am wearing a bright peony pink called “Show Up.” It’s easy to curl up under the covers and to get into a funk. But where does that get you? In life we have choices and right now we need to Show Up not only for ourselves but for our loves ones, friends, neighbors. When I swiped on this gorgeous lip color this morning, I instantly felt ALIVE and BRIGHT! Colorful lips give me that little boost to get going and out of my way.

My photo shoots might not look like they used to, and I am OK with that for right now even if I have random stray gray hairs everywhere on my PJs. I am leaning into this time, enjoying creating quality YouTube videos, Instagram posts, and blog posts like this one to give you little beauty tips on how to make yourself feel better. There is power in color if you don’t believe me check out this article on color therapy.
Experiment with color, new beauty rituals like facial cupping (I have a video coming up on this topic in the next week), and focus on doing the little things that make you feel better.

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