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Q & A with Annika von Holdt


As we stay at home and peruse Pinterest for inspiration on everything from style, gray hair to new hair cuts that might be in our near future I have always been inspired by Annika von Holdt. She pops up more times than not when I am searching on Pinterest, Instagram, or even YouTube. Her style is refreshing, simple, and minimalistic. There is a sort of calmness to her photos and the message she communicates with her audience.

Nikol Johnson Beauty Expert
PC: Annika von Holdt

I am not inspired solely by Annika for her chic style and sexy mane, but because of the mystery she holds. There is more to her than just gray hair in her pictures, a certain depth, her mysterious lingering stare, and minimalist style. She is an award-winning author of four bestselling thrillers. The saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I find her intriguing that she writes mystery novels, has a degree in computer science and business technology, and is a licensed private pilot. You never know how much power is behind the gray now, do you?

Annika and I have a couple of things in common from our gray hair, love of Harbour Island, Bahamas, and writing. I reached out to this gorgeous mysterious woman and asked her a couple of questions because I know you will love learning a little more about Annika just as much as I did.

Q: Did you always want to be a writer?

A: No, I wanted to be a pilot. But it wasn’t an option then. I was born in the ’60s, and it was almost a rule that a man should be sitting behind the levers in the cockpit. And nothing much has changed in aviation since then; Although history shows that some of the greatest pilots were/are, indeed, women – even now, in 2020, only 5% of the world’s commercial pilots are women.

Q & A with Annika von Holdt

Q: What inspired you to start writing?

A: I have always read books and written stories. It was a great escape from my dysfunctional childhood. My mother was an alcoholic, and my childhood was difficult. I was born with a vivid imagination, and with writing, I was able to go on adventures and escape the mayhem that was my life without even leaving the room.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?

A: That I am my own boss. I am someone who works best alone. I am not a team-player. And I have always known that I wanted a job with as few “bosses” as possible. Being an author gives me flexibility and freedom. And I love a good story.

Q & A with Annika von Holdt

Q: What inspired you to become a pilot?

A: A life-long dream. Aviation has always interested me and pulled me in. I decided last year (eventually) to make that dream come true. Controlling an aircraft is – as I always expected – a fantastic feeling. And I love it.

Q: Favorite destination?

A: Harbour Island. It’s a tiny out-island in the Bahamas, my second home actually. Also the home of some of the kindest people I have ever met. I spend as much time there as I possibly can; 2-3 months every year. My son (now a teenager) learned to walk, talk, and swim there, so it is actually a second home to my entire family. I love the climate and the laid-back island pace. The island is never over-run by tourists (although there are a lot more tourists now than 10 years ago), and with only one town – Dunmore Town – it is hard to get lost.

Q: What are your Beauty-from-the inside tips?

A: Kindness. In a world where you can be anything – be kind. Being kind is true beauty. I try to be the best version of myself. I am no saint – I am, in fact, the darkness to my son’s light. He has taught me more about myself than anybody else. And he has inspired me with his kindness and positivity to be a larger, more generous person.

Q: Describe your fashion style.

A: Scandinavian. I am a minimalist. I don’t buy into trends, and I don’t buy a lot of things I don’t really need. When I find something I like (tee-shirts for example), I buy them in bulk online. My wardrobe is disappointingly unoriginal: Jeans, tee-shirts, blazers. Mainly black, white, grey. I am somewhat allergic to flamboyant colours. I spice my jeans and tee-shirts up with a blazer and heels (I have an undying love-affair with shoes).

Fresh Beauty Studio

Q: When it comes to makeup, what’s the best trick you’ve learned over the years?

A: That less is more – especially as you age. My skin is my foundation. I never use foundation or face powder. It lodges in the fine lines and makes me look older. I go for a dewy, glowy, natural look. I use makeup to accentuate my features rather than hiding them behind a mask. And I guess the best trick is to never apply foundation on the bridge of your nose. You can actually get away with using foundation and not looking “made up” if only you leave the nose-bridge out of the equation.

Q: What do you do to feel confident on those days your don’t?

A: I don’t wallow in my failures. I don’t let anybody dim my light. I don’t compare myself to anyone else. I focus on my own story. My own life.

Q & A with Annika von Holdt

Q: How do fitness and beauty overlap for you?

A: If I don’t feel good, I don’t look good. Fitness makes me feel good. It’s almost a drug for me. I need the energy I get from exercise.

Q: What beauty treatments have you tried? What really works and what doesn’t?

A: I have never had a professional facial! What can I say? I have never tried any professional beauty treatments. But I have had plastic surgery on my eye-lids. And when I was partly sedated the surgeon asked if I wanted the little fat deposits under my eyes removed permanently too. Not quite sure what I replied to, I said: “Why not”? The two best decisions I have ever made beauty-wise. They WORKED. I can never again get “bags” under my eyes because the little fat-pockets that suck up fluids are simply not there.

Q: What is one of your favorite motto’s?

A: Don’t raise your voice; Improve your argument.

Nikol Johnson
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