I get asked multiple times on social media what I do to stay fit, and the answer is simple. I have maintained a healthy lifestyle since I was a teenager, and I work out at least four times a week for the past gazillion years. I have used exercise as a stress reducer since high school. I find that I feel my best after a spin class, run, or rowing session. I credit my time exercising with coming up with the best content ideas; a clear mind can do wonders to a creative block. I don’t believe in diets or cleanses or trendy eating trends. For me, diet and exercise go hand and hand. I think the main attribute that sets people apart is discipline. There was a saying that was going around when the Pandemic first started in March. It went something like this; If you always made excuses that you didn’t have time to exercise, eat healthily, etc. well, it’s not a time issue now. It’s a disciple issue.

This hit home for me because we can go around blaming genetics, time, stress, emotions, or we can step up and get in control of our every diet and exercise decision. Since I have slowed down my pace, I have had plenty of time to exercise, and I am not trying to rush through it. I love that I am not on the hamster wheel non-stop like I was before the Pandemic. I have taken a pause big-time and invested in more cooking books like this one and this one that has completely changed the game for me. I am paying attention to so many important factors when it comes to inner health.

Another new habit that has helped immensely is ordering from WholeFoods via Amazon Prime. Ordering by the click of a button has saved me so much time, stress, and overwhelm. I can order from the comfort of my home, pick the exact ingredients I need for the week’s recipes, and have it delivered within hours. I have noticed I only buy what I eat for the week, and I don’t overbuy. If you follow me on Instagram, I share some of my morning routines that include drinking mineral water first thing when I wake up to using a frother with GLOW Inner beauty elixir for radiant skin with over 18 Certified Organic super-foods. I also discovered The Beauty Chef a couple of years ago and haven’t looked back. I have also been enjoying their Omega Elixir, a vegan, citrus-flavored drinking oil to quench dry, irritated skin from the inside.

There is no better time than now to pick up an exercise routine. Many free classes are being offered online, through apps and on YouTube. Even Instagram has amazing workout tutorials being offered LIVE and on Instagram TV. There is something for everyone, and it’s so convenient.

When it comes to working out, I am all about my Frenchie Girls coming with me on my runs. I use Cooler Dog ice vests that I put on the girls to keep them cool during my runs now that we are in the hot summer months. I also love Peloton spinning classes and rowing on our Concept2 rower. We have a full home gym, so some days might be doing a circuit with my husband and others I am on the Pilates tower reformer. Working out clears my mind and makes me feel incredible.

A great way to get in control of your diet and exercise program is to keep a journal. Write down everything you put into your mouth and how you feel. Reflecting on the week will give you a great perspective when looking at your goals and where you want to be in one month, two months, etc.
I know everyone probably thinks I have an elaborate workout schedule or some crazy restrictive diet, but that’s simply not the case. I enjoy life, I drink my Rose, indulge in a little Hu Chocolate, take deep lots of deep breaths, and give thanks for all the healthy organic food I eat. You have to experiment with what works for you and your body. What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? Once you find that go for it and never look back.

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